Planning a baby? Natural ways to boost fertility, from men avoiding tight clothes to women maintaining a healthy weight | Health

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Your fertility is deeply influenced by your daily choices — what you eat, how you manage stress, and even how well you sleep. According to Dr Jyoti Gupta, senior IVF consultant, Motherhood Fertility & IVF, Gurgaon, it is important to understand how lifestyle changes can significantly boost reproductive health and increase the chances of conception. Also read | Improve sperm health with diet and exercise: 7 doctor-approved tips you need to know

Here are some natural fertility boosters and lifestyle changes that can improve your chances of conception. (Freepik)
Here are some natural fertility boosters and lifestyle changes that can improve your chances of conception. (Freepik)

What factors can negatively impact your fertility?

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, she says, “Fertility is just not limited to the right timing. It’s more about creating the right environment to increase your chances of conceiving naturally. Your lifestyle choices play a crucial role when it comes to reproductive health. Factors like lack of sleep, increased stress levels, poor dietary choices, drinking alcohol, excess caffeine intake, and physical inactivity can negatively impact your reproductive system.”

She adds that these factors can disrupt hormones and make conception a mountainous task. Even everyday habits like exposure to environmental toxins or a sedentary lifestyle can affect the quality of both sperm and egg. However, the good thing is that certain changes in your daily lifestyle can make a big difference. Dr Jyoti Gupta says, “You can enhance your fertility naturally by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Along with fertility, it also helps improve your overall reproductive health.”

Natural fertility boosters

Here are some natural fertility boosters and lifestyle changes that can improve your chances of conception, according to Dr Jyoti Gupta:

⦿ Nutrient-rich diet: Eating a well-balanced diet that includes various essential nutrients can help improve the quality of sperm and egg. Your diet should include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, nuts, lentils, and legumes. Nutrients like folic acid, zinc, and omega-3 are vital for your reproductive health.

⦿ Maintain a healthy weight: It becomes crucial to maintain a stable and healthy weight if you are planning to conceive. Being overweight or underweight can disrupt the reproductive hormones and affect ovulation. Engaging in healthy habits like exercising regularly, avoiding junk food, and staying active by exercising regularly can help explore parenthood.

⦿ Manage stress effectively: Too much stress is bad for your mental well-being and reproductive health. Increased stress levels can release cortisol into your body, which can negatively interfere with sperm production in men and ovulation in women. Mindful activities like meditation, deep-breathing exercises, yoga, or journaling can help reduce stress.

⦿ Track your cycle and fertile window: Understanding your menstrual cycles can help you identify the ideal time to try for conception. You can now easily check your ovulation through online websites, apps, or ovulation kits to increase your success rate. Remember, timing intercourses correctly according to your menstrual cycle can help improve your chances of pregnancy.

What about the men?

Dr Rashmi Agarwal, a fertility specialist at Nova IVF Fertility, Gurugram-Delhi NCR, says that in the case of men, fertility is also linked to overall health and lifestyle choices. She says, “Factors like adhering to a well-balanced diet that is loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and essential minerals such as zinc and selenium play a crucial role in improving sperm quality.”

She adds that men should pay attention to their reproductive health instead of taking it for granted. “Try to exercise every day without fail as doing so helps regulate hormones, enhances circulation, and reduces stress, all of which contribute to better reproductive health. Moreover, habits like smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and high-stress levels can also hurt a man’s fertility and affect sperm count and motility,” she says.

Dr Rashmi Agarwal says that quality sleep is also essential for supporting testosterone production. She adds, “Avoiding tight clothing helps protect sperm health. Incorporating these lifestyle changes improves fertility and long-term wellness. So, men, by making healthier choices, you can actively support your partners while prioritizing your reproductive health.”

Note to readers: This article is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor with any questions about a medical condition.

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